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Ted Cruz Rails Against a Beer Limit Guideline That Doesn't Exist

Aug 13, 2023

Republican Senator Ted Cruz told the administration of President Joe Biden to "kiss [his] a**" over a supposed health guideline to drink no more than two beers per week, despite no such guideline currently existing.

Earlier this week, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre whether the president wants to "limit Americans to two beers a week." While there are no plans for a limit, Jean-Pierre declined comment. A clip of the moment quickly went viral among conservatives online.

Cruz denounced the guideline as though it had been enacted, as well as lashing out at regulations on gas stoves and ceiling fans, during an interview with Newsmax TV host Eric Bolling on Wednesday. The Texas Republican raged against what he said was Biden's quest to "control every damn aspect of your life" before dramatically swigging a bottle of beer on air.

"What is it with liberals that want to control every damn aspect of your life?" said Cruz. "One of the first things they wanted to do was ban gas stoves. New York state has now done that for new construction. They're trying to go after and regulate ceiling fans. I'll tell you, it's hot in Texas, we don't want to get rid of our ceiling fans."

"And now these idiots have come out and said, 'drink two beers a week,' that's their guideline," Cruz continued, before reaching for a bottle of beer and taking a drink on camera. "Well, I've got to tell you, if they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my a**!"

The moment that Cruz drank the beer appeared to have been carefully choreographed, as a group of men wearing cowboy hats and baseball caps stood behind the senator and drank in unison.

What is it with liberals and wanting to control every damn aspect of your life?If they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my ass.

Despite Cruz's assertion, the Biden administration does not appear to have any plans to actually change health guidelines to limit beer to two drinks per week. Even if such a guideline were to be implemented, it would merely be a recommendation that would in no way be mandated or enforced.

The misconception that Biden has already imposed a government limit on beer consumption appears to come from a comment that Dr. George Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, gave to last week.

Koob's comments were speculative and based on a question about which recommended U.S. alcohol guidelines could change when they are revised in 2025. Koob said that the country could decide to move limits "toward Canada," which currently recommends no more than two drinks per week.

Cruz also asked "why the hell does Biden have an alcohol czar" during his Newsmax interview on Wednesday. The role has existed in the U.S. since the 1970s, with Koob having had the job since 2014, including during the entire administration of former President Donald Trump.

Newsweek reached out for comment to the office of Cruz via email on Wednesday night.

In addition to the absence of government plans to forcibly limit beer intake, there is no evidence that the Biden administration is plotting to outlaw ceiling fans or confiscate gas stoves.

Instead, Cruz and other conservatives have expressed outrage over what amounts to proposals to make newly made units of certain appliances more energy-efficient and less destructive to the environment and human health.

Wednesday was not the first time that Cruz has publicly uttered the phrase "kiss my a**" in an apparent attempt to emphasize a political point.

During a speech to conservative college students in Texas last year, the senator announced that his "pronoun is kiss my a**" while speaking about gendered pronouns and what he called "woke" practices on college campuses.